Collection of Tools & Utilities
Collection of Tools and Utilities.iso
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Text File
812 lines
INDEX 17-1
287 directive, 7-2
386 indexing, 6-2
387 support, 7-2
A-after operator in macros, 11-6
A86 environment variable, 3-7
A86.LIB file, 13-5
A86.LIB library catalog, 2-1
A86LIB environment variable, 13-6
A86LIB library tool, 13-5
AAD with operand, 5-4
AAM with operands, 5-4
about the author, 1-6
ABS operator in EXTRN, 10-6
absolute segments in OBJ mode, 10-10
address listing control, 3-4
address override byte, 6-5
address, my, 1-1
align operand list, 10-9
align specification, 10-9
alignment using EVEN, 9-3
allocation directives, 9-3
ampersand, use to specify standard input, 3-8
AND expression operator, 8-6
angle brackets in MASM, 12-4
arithmetic on floating-point numbers, 7-4
arithmetic, 32-bit with LEA, 6-3
ASP Ombudsman, 1-7
assembler variables, 9-10
assertion checking, 9-9
ASSUME directive, 6-4
asterisk multiplication operator, 8-5
AT combine type, 10-10
at-sign @, in symbols, 4-1
attribute operators/specifiers, 8-8
automatic paging control, 3-6
automatic paging controls, 13-2
B operator in EXTRN, 10-6
B override expression operator, 8-8
B-before operator in macros, 11-6
base registers, 6-2
base, default, 12-2
based structure example, 6-2
based structures, 9-6
bases for numbers, 8-1
bases, ambiguous, 8-2
batch file controls, 11-14
BCD numbers, 7-5
benefits of registration, 1-3
BIN extension for object files, 9-2
BIN extension, 3-2
binary base, 8-1
Binary Coded Decimal numbers, 7-5
biography, 1-6
BIOS interface, books on, 3-1
BIT expression operator, 8-6
block-structure in MASM, 12-4
books on assembler, recommended, 3-1
Boolean negation operator, 8-6
BP indexing size anomaly, 6-5
brackets, 8-9
British contact, 1-1
bugs, reporting, 1-7
built-in constant names, 7-4
built-in symbols, 16-1
built-in symbols, equates to, 9-8
BY operator, 8-4
BYTE align type, 10-9
BYTE override expression operator, 8-8
C programming language, linking to, 10-1
C switch, 3-2
C-loops in macros, 11-5
capacity, 1-5
capacity, source file, 3-9
case sensitivity, 3-2
case-insensitive comparisons, 8-8
catalog file A86.LIB, 13-5
categories of A86 elements, 4-1
cb specifier, 6-7
cd specifier, 6-7
changing the default base, 8-2
character loops in macros, 11-5
characters allowable in symbols, 4-1
characters recognized in A86 language, 4-2
choices for 87 operands, 7-6
class name, specifying, 10-11
classes, 10-4
clear-register macro, 11-1
clear-register macro, 11-5
closing of macro loops, 11-10
CODE ENDS directive, 9-2
code generation of forward references, 9-7
code label specifier, 6-7
CODE SEGMENT directive, 9-1
CODE segment, link to Pascal, 10-11
colon operator, 8-10
colon, deciding when to use, 4-4
columnar output, 2-2
COM extension, 3-2
COM programs, how to detect, 12-1
combine operand list, 10-9
combine specification, 10-9
combine types, 10-9
combining switches, 3-7
COMMENT directive, 4-2
comments in macros, removal of, 11-2
comments, 4-2
COMMON combine type, 10-10
comparison of strings, 8-7
COMPAT.8 macro file, 12-2
compatibility, 12-1
compression of macro text, 11-2
Compuserve section, 1-7
computation models, 10-2
concatenating terms in an expression, 8-5
conditional assembly and macros, 11-13
conditional assembly, 11-11
conditional calls, see IF, 5-1
conditional jump, far, see IF, 5-1
conditional line filtering, 13-1
conditional returns, 5-2
conditionals, list control, 3-4
constant operand to FLD, 7-4
constants, floating, 8-3
constants, format of, 8-1
constants, large, 9-5
constants, overview, 4-4
contacting me, 1-7
contents, 0-3
control-character notation, 8-5
controls, invocation, user-definable, 11-14
converting MASM programs, 12-1
CPU-specific instructions, 3-5
crashes, system, on lack of FWAIT, 7-2
creating programs to assemble, 3-1
credit cards, 1-1
cross reference demo, 2-2
cross reference listing, 13-3
cross-reference output switch, 3-7
cw specifier, 6-7
D operator in EXTRN, 10-6
D override expression operator, 8-8
D switch, 3-2
data allocation statements, samples, 4-1
DATA ENDS directive, 9-2
DATA SEGMENT directive, 9-1
DATA segment, link to Pascal, 10-11
DB directive, 9-3
DD directive, 9-3
DD examples, 9-5
DEC, multiple and numeric operands, 5-1
decimal base, 8-1
decimal output of macro operands, 11-8
DEF operator, 8-10
default base, changing, 8-2
default base, decimal, 3-2
default bases, 8-1
default forward references, 3-3
default output file name, 3-9
default segment registers, 6-3
default segment, OBJ mode, 10-12
defined symbols, testing for, 8-7
defining macros, 11-1
demonstration, 2-1
description of 87 instructions, 7-6
description of instructions, 6-9
Dettmann, Terry, 3-1
digits in file names, 3-9
digits, hex, 8-1
directives in a86, 9-1
directives, samples, 4-1
displacement field, 6-5
displaying macro expansions, 11-11
division operator, 8-5
dollar sign $, in symbols, 4-1
dollar sign operator, 8-11
DOS interface, books on, 3-1
double hash ## signs in macros, 11-2
double hash signs ## in macros, 11-13
double-precision, 7-5
double-quotes in strings, 9-5
doubleword indexing, 6-2
doubleword pointer initialization, 9-5
DQ directive, 9-3
DQ example, 9-5
DT directive, 9-3
DT example, 9-5
DUP construct, 9-4
duplicate definitions, 9-9
DW directive, 9-3
DWORD override expression operator, 8-8
E switch, 3-2
e-mail address, 1-7
EA byte, 6-5
eb specifier, 6-7
EBP indexing size anomaly, 6-6
ed specifier, 6-7
editing programs, 3-1
effective addresses, 6-1
effective addresses, encoding, 6-5
electronic mail, 1-7
ELSE, 11-12
ELSEIF, 11-12
EM end-of-macro symbol, 11-1
emulation, floating-point, 7-2
encoding of effective addresses, 6-5
encoding of floating-point numbers, 8-3
END directive, 10-7
end of a macro, 11-1
end of file, 10-7
END used as an operand value, 9-7
ENDIF, 11-12
ENDM, 12-3
ENDP directive, 9-11
ENDS directive, OBJ mode, 10-11
ENDS directives in COM mode, 9-2
English contact, 1-1
environment string, invocation equates in, 11-15
environment variable A86LIB, 13-6
environment variable, a86, 3-7
EQ expression operator, 8-7
EQ in comparing strings, 8-7
EQU directive, 9-7
equal-sign string compare, 8-8
equals-sign directive, 9-10
equates to built-in symbols, 9-8
equates to interrupts, 9-9
ER end-of-repeat symbol, 11-4
ERDEMO.BAT batch file, 2-1
ERR extension, 3-2
error file redirection, 3-2
error messages, 1-5
error messages, explanation, 14-1
evaluating macro operands, 11-8
EVEN directive, 9-3
ew specifier, 6-7
EX exit macro symbol, 11-10
examples of A86 statements, 4-1
examples of floating constants, 8-3
examples of numbers, 4-2
examples of type matching, 4-5
examples of useful memory accesses, 6-4
exclamation point operator, 8-6
exclusive features, 5-1
EXE programs, how to detect, 12-1
exiting from middle of macro, 11-10
EXITM simulation, 11-10
EXITM, 12-3
EXMAC, what happened to, 11-11
explicit EXTRNs, 3-4
explicit EXTRNs, forcing, 10-7
explicit OBJ specification, 10-1
explicit public names, 10-5
explicit WAITs, 7-1
exponent specifier, 8-3
expressions and forward references, 9-7
expressions in conditional assembly, 11-11
extended-precision operands, 7-5
extensions of source files, 3-9
external names and LINK, 10-3
extra coprocessor support, 7-2
EXTRN directive, 10-6
EXTRNs, explicit, 3-4
F operator in EXTRN, 10-6
F override expression operator, 8-8
F switch, 3-3
f switch, 7-3
FALSE in conditional assembly, 11-12
FALSE return value, 8-7
far label constants, 8-10
FAR override expression operator, 8-8
FBANK instruction on IIT-2C87, 7-2
FDISI instruction, 7-1
features, exclusive, 5-1
FENI instruction, 7-1
file breaks, listing control, 3-6
file in which a symbol was defined, 13-4
file lists, 3-9
file maintenance, 3-9
file names, digits in, 3-9
files, source, 3-1